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Staircase renovation components

Below you will find an overview of the various components and the required materials needed for a staircase renovation.

Stair cladding

Stair cladding

The stair cladding (A) covers the whole walking surface of your staircase. Reno Stairs® stair cladding also has a nose strip that covers the width of your staircase tread.

Nose strip

The nose strip (B) covers the thickness of your staircase tread and is part of the stair cladding. The stair cladding therefore has a shape similar to that of a 'L' tipped to the right.



A riser covers the part of the staircase where the nose of your shoes push against when you walk up the stairs. The riser can be finished in all the wood colours, as a stainless steel look or be done in a white base coat. You may also choose to sand and paint this part instead of cladding it.

Anti-slip strip

Anti-slip strip

The safety of your stair case is very important. To guarantee this, we install a rubber anti-slip strip in the wooden stair claddings. This anti-slip strip ensures that you always have traction and that you can safely go up and down the staircase. If you choose the LamiGarant® stair cladding, the anti-slip strip is placed on the top of the staircase treads. This type of laminate stair cladding has a scratch resistant layer.

Anti-squeak slat fascia

Underneath the staircase treads there may be anti-squeak slats. These may be covered with a fascia so that the slat is completely covered.

Tip:When you decide to clad your risers, then you can save costs by removing the anti-squeak slats and replacing them with risers. The risers give the same support and so have the same effect as anti-squeak slats.

Flexfinish and lamiflex

Flexfinish and lamiflex

When standing at the bottom of your staircase you can often see the underside of the top staircase treads. You can cover it with flexfinish (for wooden stair cladding) or lamiflex (for laminate stair cladding) so that nothing of the existing staircase tread is visible any more.

Reno Stairs®-oil and Reno Stairs®-soap

We advise that you treat your wooden staircase once a year with the maintenance oil: Reno Stairs®-Oil to keep your staircase renovation in good nick. It is furthermore recommended that you clean the staircase once a month with our special soap and a wet cloth.

Reno Stairs® Assembly adhesive and finishing sealant

Assembly adhesive and finishing sealant

Les couvre-marches de Reno Stairs® sont montées sur votre escalier avec un mastic de montage antibruit. Ce mastic garde son élasticité, la couvre-marche restant ainsi toujours bien collée à la marche. Le montage de finitions est utilisé pour remplir les jointures et pour les finitions. Ce dernier est livrable dans toutes les couleurs.

"Stair spider"

 Stair Spider

A "stair spider" is a special staircase measurement device which can be used to measure the dimensions of a staircase tread in one go. The "stair spider" is then placed on the new Reno Stairs® stair cladding and the dimensions drawn on. Now you can saw and mount the cladding on your old staircase. You repeat this step for each staircase tread.

+31 (0)228-568267

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