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Fire safety of your staircase renovation

We would like to inform you about FlameGarant® staircase renovation treads, for use in commercial and industrial buildings. FlameGarant® is a TNO certified system for covering treads which allow you to comply with the set standards.

You are obliged to ensure that escape routes comply with safety standards. You may have heard about the requirements without consciously thinking about them.

We would like to inform you about the possibilities. We can be of service with regards to;

  1. An informative discussion
  2. Take stock of the current situation and produce an advisory report
  3. The FlameGarant® system with the necessary certification
  4. Maintenance of the renovated staircase to retain the certification

You may leave your details here if you would like to apply for one of the possibilities. We will use your information exclusively to reply to your query.


The certified materials that we use conform to the latest NEN standards. The work is done by certified staff members.

Certificate fire safety treads

As soon as the renovation is completed, you receive a certificate which you can offer to the fire brigade, municipality or insurer as proof that the treads comply with the set European Fire Class. The certificate is valid for a year and is extended by a year after the annual inspection. The certificate shows among others, the following information:

  1. The location of the renovated treads in the building
  2. The products used
  3. The duration of the certification
  4. References to TNO reports
  5. References to the relevant NEN standards

Safety check

You may leave your details here if you would like to apply for one of the possibilities. We will use your information exclusively to reply to your query.

+31 (0)228-568267

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